Class Levels
Arthur Murray Hamden offers different levels of classes to suit the needs for all of our enrolled students. Your teacher will recommend the classes that best match the skill set to support and accelerate the curriculum of your private lessons. We also offer technique, styling and master classes. The staff will inform you of which classes are appropriate for you and when it is time to move up a level.
Beginner Classes
These classes are appropriate for most students for the first six months of learning. There are many different patterns and combinations taught but the focus is on the skills necessary to set a good foundation for a strong and comfortable dancer.
Associate Bronze Class
This class is for those students that are presently studying Bronze I, Bronze II or higher. The skills and dances that are started in the beginner level are expanded upon and dances that work from those skills are added in. This level lets you really start to explore your own personal feel for the music.
Full Bronze Class
Those students that have completed the Bronze II level and are presently enrolled in Bronze III or IV will enjoy the challenge of more technique, more sophisticated movement and the addition of the advanced dances. By the time a student is ready for this level they have the skills to dance to almost anything that may come up.
Advanced Class
Students that have graduated Bronze IV are welcome to join the fun of the Advanced Class. This is the class for the long term hobby dancer. The patterns are more complex the dances are varied and all the skills from the previous levels are used to create the smoothest of dancers.
Technique Class
Technique Classes are offered on different days throughout the month. The focus is more on the movement than the patterns. These classes are a must for anyone that wants to move like a true dancer. Students enrolled in Bronze I and up are welcome to Technique class regardless of what day of the week it falls upon.
Style Class
Style Class works hand-in-hand with the Technique Classes. Through the two you will understand the character differences from one dance to another and enjoy the interaction with your dance partner. Every dance tells a different story. It is great fun to explore your unique version of each.
Master Classes
Arthur Murray Hamden is proud to bring top dance trainers and former dance champions from around the world to our studio. They are available to join you and your teacher for a Coaching Lesson. They also teach a Master Class so many students have the opportunity to learn from them. The Master Classes are a multi-level learning environment that has something for everyone. Always memorable and always fun, the Master Class will challenge you and give you plenty of concepts to take back to your private lessons to perfect.